Lepus and Lupus

Lepus and Lupus

Individual titles  (Tryst, Bound, Avidity) Trip-tic painting depicting the dating scene in West Hollywood Acrylic, Color Pencil, Ink, Resin 24″ x 30″    each x3 2011
Daisy (Persephone)

Daisy (Persephone)

Daisy Deadpetals as Persephone Deconstructed images of drag-queens reconstructed as Greek goddesses as created by their primal parents the Titans 24″ x 24″ Acrylic, Resin, Color Pencil, Gauche, Ink 2009


Painting of Coco Chanel 18″ x 24″ Acrylic 2010


Reproduction of  The Beginning cover. For the “The 2nd Annual Ellen Art Show” Showing January 28th, 2012 at The Vortex 11×14 Acrylic,Ink ,gauche resin 2011
Relinquished Control

Relinquished Control

Concept:  Zodiac sign Leo and the point in which aggression becomes submission 12″ x 12″ Acrylic, Ink, Enamel, Gauche, Resin 2011